I'm going on the roof, looking for a bit of silence, a bit of sky, a bit of peace.
looking up...
a few clouds, and even a few stars, small flickering lights of distant houses, of different lives.
I’m flying away, detached...
Taking off my shoes to feel the cold tiles, to retrieve a feeling on earth,
even though my feet were walking in the air.
Finally.. here’s the silence I was looking for… that silence where my thoughts can skate
like in a big ice rink, performing stunts.
Listening better ...
The crickets are whispering…
well.. it's summer…
but… I also hear the murmur of the sea from far ..
A cool and light breeze coming, and making of the pine boughs "her" musical instrument,
and playing them.
Everything is speaking to me, Everything is telling me…. this is the silence I was looking for ...
the silence able to take me away...
looking up...
a few clouds, and even a few stars, small flickering lights of distant houses, of different lives.
I’m flying away, detached...
Taking off my shoes to feel the cold tiles, to retrieve a feeling on earth,
even though my feet were walking in the air.
Finally.. here’s the silence I was looking for… that silence where my thoughts can skate
like in a big ice rink, performing stunts.
Listening better ...
The crickets are whispering…
well.. it's summer…
but… I also hear the murmur of the sea from far ..
A cool and light breeze coming, and making of the pine boughs "her" musical instrument,
and playing them.
Everything is speaking to me, Everything is telling me…. this is the silence I was looking for ...
the silence able to take me away...