Magically we are able to speak words of love, to give those hugs we were never able to give, to forgive and forget… there are so many ways to be so far away, there are sometimes impossible distances to be traveled, maybe not even our imagination would be able to reach those peaks.
It was so good, that time, when we used to walk through the night, our noses to the sky, our eyes searching falling stars… for asking to fulfill our desires. You told me, looking at the Ursa Major, that it had a smaller star, just in the middle.. and that you put your wishes there, so they could be more discrete and less visible, and more safe.
Everytime I look at that star I can feel a little magic, and I would love asking the stars…”tell me about the wishes”… and the mushrooms.. “tell me about the rain…” asking a cloud.. “tell me about the sky” … a flower.. “tell me about the bees”…. the earth.. “tell me about life”… a heart.. “tell me about love”…
My words are making me feel the distance so strongly, I hope my letter will reach you.
There are so many ways to be so far away…